1. Overview
2. Job changing guide
3. Pros & Cons
4. Stat Build
5. Skill Build
6. Equipment(End Game)
7. Consumables
8. Leveling Spot
9. Best Party Member
10. FAQ
Welcome to Assassin Dual Dagger Guide in RevoClassic server. This guide is based on my own experience and from many consultations. I hope it will save your time.
Assassin Dual Dagger build is normal attack character(click and wait). This build focus on DPS(Damage per second). Assassin DD has highest ATK than other build.
Class Change Quest
Thief Change Quest
Assassin Change Quest
Pros & Cons
– Very High Damage. You can reach 2000+ in 1 hit.
– High Dps.
– You can use Double Attack Katar.
– Weapon is too expensive. You need many cards for your weapon.
– Low aspd.
Status Build(End Game)
Assassin Dual Dagger Build at Level 99
Str 80
Agi 90
Vit 48
Int 1
Dex 33
Luk 20
Comment This build give you high DPS and good aspd. Vit 48+2 can protect you from stun. Your aspd will reach 185+.
Skill Build
Thief Skill
Double Attack 10
Improve Dodge 10
Envenom 10
Detoxify 1
Steal 8
Hiding 10
Assassin Skill
Right-Hand Mastery 5
Left-Hand Mastery 5
Enchant Poision 10
Equipment(End Game)

Sample Equipment Dual Dagger Assassin
Magic Rabbit Hat (Agi+2, Dex+2, Aspd+5%, Reduce Deley 4%)[Recommend][High Cost]
Pecopeco Hairband (Aspd+5%, Reduce Delay 5%, Reduce Cast Time 5%, Fast Walk)[Recommend][Mid Cost]
Sigrun’s Wings (Aspd+1 for Thief Class)[Recommend][Mid Cost]
Angel Spirit (Str+2, Hit+15)[Mid Cost]
Pirate Dagger (Atk+5)[Recommend][Mid Cost]
Pantie[1] (Combo with Undershirt)[Recommend][High Cost]
Thief Clothes[1] (Agi+1)[Low Cost]
Armor Card
Picky Card (Str+1, Atk+10)[Mid Cost]
Mainhand Weapon
3 Zipper Bear Card] [Recommend][High Cost]
3 Skel Worker Card] [Recommend][High Cost]
Elemental Damascus [Recommend][Mid Cost]
Lefthand Weapon
Main Gauche[
3 Drainliar Card, 1 Skel Worker Card] [Recommend][High Cost]
Main Gauche[
3 Hydra Card, 1 Skel Worker Card] [Recommend][High Cost]
for water elelemt monster.
for demi-human race monster.
Undershirt[1] (Mdef+1, Combo with Pantie give Agi+5 Flee+10)[Recommend][High Cost]
Garmet Card
Whisper Card (Flee+20)[Mid Cost]
Bapho Jr. Card (Agi+3, Critical Rate+1)[Recommend][Low Cost]
Boots[1] [Recommend][Low Cost]
Footgear Card
Matyr Card (Agi+1, Hp+10%)[Recommend][Mid Cost]
Male Thief Bug Card (AGI + 2)[Mid Cost]
Thief Figure (Agi+1, If you are Thief, Aspd+3%)[Recommend][Low Cost]
Brooch[1] (Agi+1)[Recommend][Low Cost]
Ring[1] (Str+1)[High Cost]
Accessory Card
Mantis Card (Str+3)[Recommend][Low Cost]
Owl Baron Card (Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 1 Lex Aeterna on an enemy when attacking.)[High Cost]
Leveling Spot
Q : What’s starter equipment for beginner?
A : Elemental Damacus in main hand and Damacus in left hand.
Q : What is best weapon for leveling in every where?
A : You should focus on 1-3 places becuase when you go to new place, You need a new weapon & new cards set. It’s so expensive.
Q : What is the good weapon set?
A : If you want to stay in byalan until 99, Wind Elemental Damacus and Main Guche[3 Drainliar Card, 1 Skel Worker] is good choice for you.
Choose the right style for you.
Assassin has many builds to play. Adjusting to your style and budget (this is a big deal). Finally, I hope this article will help many people. If you have any suggestions, you can send them to Fanpage Kamonway Channel
Want other guide?
Double Attack Katar Assassin
Critical Assassin Guide
Which assassin build would be best for pvp woe?
can we have 1 dex and luck ? which is better
You need dex for hit monster. luk for atk, but luk is not important.
why need arrow? or its noting?
arrow for grimtooth. it’s spacial trick.
Is it okay if i dont put luk on my dd sin or its really needed?
It’s for atk only. optional.
Why only maine gauche for left hand? What is advantage of 4 slot weapon for left hand?
Right hand focus on Atk. Card effect on left hand will take to right hand(not atk, effect only).
Admin, QQ: What build would you recommend for PvM Assassin? DD? Crit? DAK?
DAK is cheap and good for pvm.
what is the max aspd in revo classic thailand and philippines server, is it 186??
if yes
can DD assassin reach the 186 max aspd??
and what is the best build for farming using assassin??
DD assassin or katar assassin??
thanks for feedback
Max Aspd is 190. I think the best farming build is double katar assassin.
sir ask ko lng po baka sakaling natest nyo na, mas okay po ba ang 4 hydra MG sa off hand kesa sa 3 hydra 1 skel MG? na try ko kasi sa mas malaki damage nakukuha ko sa 4 hydra MG. thanks
Hi, is it better to use 3 hydra 1 skel MG rather than 4 hydra MG on the off-hand, I’ve checked it on and it seems 4 hydra MG is better. Thanks
What is the specialty of DD assassin if
DAK is good for – PVM
Crit type – is for WOE??
DD Sin- ??
what about PVP sir? tnx
im making a thief now and not yet decided on what type of Sin will i choose
ill 1st the specialty of each build
thanks sir
What is the best weapons & cards for farming on any monsters? (Dual Dagger Assassin)
Based on your final build, which will deal more damage?
3 zipper bear gladius?
3 skel worker gladius?
Thanks for reply..ü
3 zipper bear gladius.
As per my actual test/computation, double zipper bear boned gladius deal more vs medium than tripple zipper bear and also cheaper. U can add it on your guide ty..ü
Another question which will deal more damage?
3 zipper bear gladius
Elemtal damascus?
i just accidentally put 1 point on poison react,what to do?it seems useless
how to get 2k damage on anolians? what are the weapon set?
another question in relation to SID question. I’m DD type assassin, what cards gonna put on my +7 gladius [3] if i want to go leveling at anolians? and what cards on my +10 MG- ? BTW, i just wanted to share my build stats for DD type: agi 90 dex 60 pure str = pure damage.. need 60 dex since DD i hard to handle, several misses occur when 40+ dex only
3 Slot Gladius.
2 Race 1 Element or 1 Race 2 Element are best damage.
4 Slot MG.
2 Race 2 Element is best damage.
2 Race 2 Size is for leveling in many place.
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Would equipping +7 3ple Zipper Bear Gadius on the right and another on the left deal more damage or the left should better hold racial/elemental card MG instead?