Hi, I’m ICE from youtube Kamonway. This blog base on TRO RevoClassic Server. I think RE:START is same like RevoClassic.
Katar Type : Weapon of Assassin
When you using Katar type weapon, your critical will be double. This is prob. of katar assassin. The popular katar like Jur[3], Katar[2], Jamadhar[1]. Today I will test those katar with Pasana to find the best weapon for critical assassin.
Status of Assassin for test
I choose standard critical assassin build like Str74 Agi99 Luk60 and using katar only. Not equip any equipment. but I use Awakening Potion for ASPD.

Status of Assassin for test
Card for test
– Soldier Skeleton Card or SS Critical Rate+9%
– Assaulter Card for critical Demi-Human.
– The Paper Card It’s so expansive but Cri Dmg +20%
– Mobster Card This price like mini boss card.
Attack Pasana without Buffs
+7 Jur 3 Soldier Skeleton Card
Critical Damage = 670 (554 + 116)
Critical Rate = 95.1%
Damage Per Second = 1924.42
+7 Jur 3 Assaulter Card
Critical Damage = 886 (733 + 153)
Critical Rate = 83.1%
Damage Per Second = 2351.87
+7 Katar 2 Soldier Skeleton Card
Critical Damage = 768 (635 + 133)
Critical Rate = 77.1%
Damage Per Second = 2031.93
+7 Katar 2 Assaulter Card
Critical Damage = 931 (770 + 161)
Critical Rate = 69.1%
Damage Per Second = 2285.28
+7 Jur 3 The Paper
Critical Damage = 1105 (914 + 191)
Critical Rate = 41.1%
Damage Per Second = 2003.55
+7 Jur 1 The Paper 2 Mobster
Critical Damage = 1032 (853 + 179)
Critical Rate = 57.1%
Damage Per Second = 2217.32
+7 Jur 3 Mobster
Critical Damage = 995 (823 + 172)
Critical Rate = 65.1%
Damage Per Second = 2297.56
Buffs for test
– Blessing
– Increase Agi
– Impositio Manus
– Gloria
Attack Pasana with that buffs
+7 Jur 3 Soldier Skeleton Card
Critical Damage = 779 (644 + 135)
Critical Rate = 100%
Damage Per Second = 2465.19
+7 Jur 3 Assaulter Card
Critical Damage = 1030 (852 + 178)
Critical Rate = 100%
Damage Per Second = 3259.49
+7 Katar 2 Soldier Skeleton Card
Critical Damage = 879 (727 + 152)
Critical Rate = 97.1%
Damage Per Second = 2754.21
+7 Katar 2 Assaulter Card
Critical Damage = 1066 (881 + 185)
Critical Rate = 89.1%
Damage Per Second = 3205.78
+7 Jur 3 The Paper
Critical Damage = 1281 (1059 + 222)
Critical Rate = 61.1%
Damage Per Second = 3124.38
+7 Jur 1 The Paper 2 Mobster
Critical Damage = 1197 (990 + 207)
Critical Rate = 77.1%
Damage Per Second = 3301.71
+7 Jur 3 Mobster
Critical Damage = 1155 (955 + 200)
Critical Rate = 85.1%
Damage Per Second = 3358.48
– For Critical Assassin you need to understand relation between Critical Damage and Critical Rate. If 1 of that low, It will reduce DPS (Damage Per Second).
– High critical damage not means high DPS. Look at +7 Jur 3 The Paper. It makes high critical damage but DPS is lower than another katar.
– If no buff. +7 Jur 3 Assaulter Card is the best for DPS.
– If full buff. +7 Jur 3 Mobster Card is the best for DPS. Becuase Gloria make Critical Rate increase.
– If you have no budget. +7 Jur 3 Assaulter Card is a good choice for you.
– This from Stat calculator website only and I not equip any equipment.
Best weapon base on Stat and Equipment. There is no one size fits all solution. please adapt to your style.
Great guide, will try this setup on my new assas
I think that The Paper Card with “Increases critical attack damage by 20%” and Mobster Card that has “Increases critical attack damage by 15%” will definitely worth a slot in weapons for Crit Sins. However, weapon card combination will still be based on stat and/or monster race especially for Assaulter and Cruiser which both has “Increases critical attack damage by 10%” but differs in +Crit bonus when attacking per race.
Hence, if your build is a Natural Crit Sins which has 60-70ish Luk, Assaulter and Cruiser card on weapon is fine since the +Crit bonus will be an additive output per race in stat.
Thank you.
You can’t leave Int, Dex , and Vit 1 alone… You can’t make a character in that stat build.
I’m sorry. I forgot about initial stat when create character.
Hey Kamon im having a hard time achiving 100% hit with this build while levelling, still 46, anumy tips?
Revo restart
Angel Spirit will help. but if you do not have budget. Go to Poison Spore or increase Luk for Hit.
revo restart has angel spirit? Can’t find it at ragial, where can i make one?
Correct me if I’m wrong but for RE:Start, Angel Spirit is unavailable however; for pRO (Revo Classic) you can purchase the same thru Kafra Shop. Regarding your hit rate, as per admin you may increase your LUK since every 3 points of LUK provides you with 1 Hit rate. In addition, Critical Hit Rate also ignores monster Flee rate in Revo Classic.
oh ok, thx kryp. Btw what are the other equips necessary to achieve that crit rate?
Yes, if that knight can hit me.
Hi.. I’m new to this game and no background at all. In your opinion..
Which is better?
1) +7 Jur with 2 SS card and 1 The Paper Card
2) +7 Katar with 2 SS card
Both with Brooch of Counter
And do I really need to have a 100 critical stat?
Critical Rate 90+ is enough. Katar 2 SS is better. but if you use thief set card, try 1 paper 2 mobster or 1 paper 2 ninja turtle.
+8 2paper 1ss good?
It’s good but you have no sp to use.
can u test ur +7 2paper 1ss dmg to pasana?
why no 2paper 1ss to choices? can u try the dps of 2paper 1ss jur plz?
Who has the highest DPS? Crit Assassin, Dual Dagger or Double Attack Katar? Without buffs.
Dual Dagger Build