Wednesday, March 26

Hit100% and Flee95% of monsters in RevoClassic

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Revo Classic server has mix of Renewal and Classic. but EXE does not have any database of monster. Hit? Flee? Drop rate? We don’t know anythings. Until some people in Thai Ro Community( find the way to calculate Hit100% and Flee95%. Thank you Sigma for the database.

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Also Read: How to calculate monster stat[Thai language]

Hit is the value from the monster’s table which shows the player’s Hit rate required for making 100% chance of hits against monster.

Flee is the value from the monster’s table which shows the player’s Flee rate required for making 95% chance of dodging the monster’s attacks.

Also Read: Stats – iRO Wiki

Ctrl + F to find monster

Red color is Hit100%
Blue color is Flee95%

Hit100% and Flee95%

Monster Name Hit100% Flee95%
Abysmal Knight 334 385
Alarm 330 299
Acidus (Blue) 386 379
Acidus (Gold) 358 358
Alarm 330 299
Alice 328 347
Alicel 315 328
Alligator 290 252
Aliot 331 352
Aliza 319 327
Am Mut 305 311
Ambernite 233 204
Anacondaq 269 260
Ancient Mimic 330 371
Ancient Worm 323 321
Andre 237 211
Angeling 270 270
Anolian 324 301
Anopheles 283 299
Anubis 342 352
Apocalipse 319 361
Archdam 343 341
Arc Angeling 308 349
Archer Skeleton 260 236
Arclouze 332 397
Argiope 264 235
Argos 242 221
Assaulter 363 385
Baby Leopard 268 263
Baphomet Jr. 310 277
Baroness of Retribution 339 398
Bathory 282 281
Bigfoot 229 207
Bloody Butterfly 323 333
Bloody Knight 341 389
Bloody Murderer 337 349
Bongun 256 239
Brilight 265 283
Caramel 233 225
Carat 315 301
Chimera 308 331
Chung E 338 308
Clock 284 327
Clock Tower Manager 291 321
Coco 230 225
Condor 212 188
Constant 353 334
Cookie 248 226
Cornutus 250 220
Cramp 299 308
Creamy Fear 298 311
Cruiser 245 239
Dame of Sentinel 356 429
Detardeurus (MVP) 443 538
Dark Frame 296 293
Death Word 329 374
Dark Illusion 313 429
Deleter (Ground) 330 303
Deleter (Sky) 321 316
Demon Pungus 317 321
Deniro 235 212
Desert Wolf 296 295
Despero of Thanatos 384 385
Deviling 281 278
Deviruchi 295 335
Diabolic 347 331
Dimik(เขียว) 369 450
Dimik(แดง) 361 402
Dimik(ส้ม) 344 385
Dimik(ฟ้า) 361 412
Dokebi 289 269
Dolor of Thanatos 355 362
Dragon Fly 252 222
Dragon Tail 326 293
Drainliar 258 244
Dryad 264 294
Dullahan 291 332
Dustiness 243 266
Eclipse 234 203
Elder 327 340
Eggyra 249 251
Elder Willow 234 219
Enchanted Peach Tree 305 315
Evil Druid 290 313
Evil Nymph 309 325
Executioner 361 330
Explosion 297 276
False Angel 332 317
Female Thief Bug 220 204
Ferus (Green) 326 326
Ferus (Red) 350 349
Firelock Soldier 291 317
Flora 255 242
Freezer 319 311
Frilldora 268 251
Frus 346 350
Galapago 289 261
Gargoyle 309 338
Geographer 282 298
Ghostring 303 307
Ghoul 252 240
Gibbet 314 301
Giearth 248 227
Gig 326 302
Goat 309 317
Goblin Archer 262 251
Goblin Steamrider 296 295
Goblin Warrior (Axe) 251 222
Goblin Warrior (Dagger) 279 231
Goblin Warrior (Flail) 240 252
Goblin Warrior (Hammer) 250 227
Goblin Warrior (Mace) 259 234
Goblin Leader 331 307
Golem 252 229
Grand Peco 303 289
Greatest General 270 238
Grizzly 294 324
Gryphon 405 406
Gullinbursti 316 308
Harpy 309 365
Heater 317 344
Heirozoist 318 304
Hermit Plant 297 307
High Orc 268 305
Hill Wind 314 311
Hode 242 228
Holden 301 264
Horn 230 209
Horong 266 266
Hunter Fly 314 312
Hydra 223 219
Hydrolancer 361 382
Incubus 331 384
Injustice 310 271
Isis 290 260
Jakk 281 269
Jing Guai 270 292
Joker 356 319
Kaho 321 309
Kapha 300 284
Karakasa 303 264
Khalitzburg 311 358
Killer Mantis 312 309
Kobold Archer 272 327
Kobold Warrior (Axe) 312 304
Kobold Warrior (Hammer) 292 296
Kobold Warrior (Mace) 295 281
Kraben 283 288
Kukre 241 213
Lava Golem 319 339
Leaf Cat 254 244
Leib Olmai 293 305
Loli Ruri 321 336
Lude 274 289
Maero of Thanatos 394 368
Magnolia 251 227
Majoruros 324 322
Male Thief Bug 256 220
Memory of Thanatos (MVP) 428 516
Mandragora 215 192
Mantis 259 242
Mao Guai 338 306
Marc 260 259
Marduk 289 289
Marin 220 215
Marina 248 220
Marionette 320 297
Marse 248 234
Martin 247 218
Mastering 223 201
Matyr 251 248
Medusa 347 332
Megalith 259 314
Megalodon 248 223
Merman 282 278
Metaller 246 244
Metaling 256 256
Mi Gao 274 315
Mimic 371 330
Mineral 317 300
Mini Demon 337 349
Minorous 294 283
Mistress of Shelter 346 383
Miyabi Doll 263 291
Mobster 297 276
Muka 226 230
Mummy 241 275
Munak 239 233
Myst 275 249
Myst Case 257 239
Mysteltainn 415 428
Nereid 285 293
Nightmare 281 296
Nightmare Terror 331 354
Nine Tail 289 327
Novus (Red) 298 320
Novus (Yellow) 286 321
Noxious 288 281
Obeaune 278 241
Obsidian 288 284
Odium of Thanatos 370 443
Ogretooth 376 392
Orc Archer 281 338
Orc Baby 222 222
Orc Lady 242 258
Orc Skeleton 244 222
Orc Warrior 239 210
Orc Zombie 241 251
Panzer Goblin 319 304
Parasite 327 325
Pasana 297 311
Pecopeco 229 217
Penomena 295 334
Permeter 291 283
Pest 317 316
Petite (Earth) 276 279
Petite (Sky) 284 301
Phen 241 224
Piere 237 215
Pirate Skeleton 250 225
Pitman 299 273
Plankton 263 215
Poison Spore 236 209
Poison Toad 288 286
Poporing 240 220
Porcellio 276 272
Punk 282 308
Quve 294 295
Raggler 263 245
Rafflesia 258 265
Raydric 339 328
Raydric Archer 276 356
Requiem 269 255
Rideword 312 354
Rocker 227 196
Rotar Zairo 295 256
Sage Worm 272 261
Sandman 242 238
Sasquatch 265 271
Savage 247 248
Scorpion 239 213
Sea Otter 285 270
Seal 303 268
Shinobi 339 322
Sidewinder 275 286
Ferus (Red) 350 349
Skeleton 225 199
Skeleton Prisoner 287 307
Skeleton Worker 243 237
Skeggiold (Black) 370 398
Skeggiold (Blue) 369 406
Sleeper 308 302
Smokie 252 215
Sohee 257 244
Soldier Skeleton 239 228
Solider 314 296
Spore 221 198
Spring Rabbit 324 286
Stainer 226 225
Stalactic Golem 307 299
Steel Chonchon 279 243
Stem Worm 277 294
Sting 310 350
Stone Shooter 297 297
Strouf 264 254
Succubus 349 370
Swordfish 286 244
Tamruan 290 295
Taoist Hermit 313 345
Tarou 217 191
Teddy Bear 352 323
Tengu 303 315
Thara Frog 232 222
The Paper 305 299
Thief Bug 213 188
Toad 229 204
Tower Keeper 291 321
Tri Joint 265 263
Ungoliant 339 349
Vadon 240 222
Vagabond Wolf 287 302
Valkyrie 430 670
Valkyrie Randgris (MVP) 430 670
Venetu(เขียว) 353 387
Venetu(ส้ม) 328 345
Venetu(ฟ้า) 344 346
Venetu(ม่วง) 326 326
Venomous 270 266
Verit 242 214
Vesper 492 522
Violy 361 371
Vitata 231 211
Vocal 244 241
Wanderer 366 413
Waste Stove 329 305
Whisper 282 256
Wild Rose 325 277
Wind Ghost 278 323
Wolf 249 228
Wood Goblin 261 279
Wootan Fighter 255 273
Wootan Shooter 263 285
Wormtail 220 196
Wraith 279 314
Wraith Dead 343 350
Yao Jun 294 308
Yoyo 232 210
Zealotus 324 369
Zenorc 249 229
Zerom 272 255
Zhu Po Long 330 297
Zipper Bear 286 275
Zombie 223 200
Zombie Master 322 318
Zombie Prisoner 292 305
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