Saturday, March 29

Ragnarok Blacksmith Battlesmith Butcher Guide

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This guide is about Battlesmith. Farming made easy! The blacksmith can kill monster easier than other class. Becuase we have many buffs to empower myself. 1000 damage per hit is easily. LOL. This guide is based on my own experience and from many consultations. I hope it will save your time.


– High Atk and Aspd
– Cart Revolution for fast leveling.
– Monster size not problem.
– You have cart!!!(Weight+8000)


– Need some butget.
– Low flee.
– Don’t use Power-thrust in party!!!!

BattleSmith can kill monsters in 1-3 second. We have so many buffs like Adrenaline Rush, Power-thrust, Weapon Perfection. If you want to fast leveling, Use Cart Revolution. You can hunt and sell items by yourself. Overcharge and Discount are the best friends.

My Status for Butcher Build

Str 80
Agi 80
Vit 50
Dex 38
Int 1
Luk 12

This stat can reach Aspd 190 by Orc Axe and 189 by Two-Hand Axe. I have 8000 HP and high hit to attack monsters.


Low Cost Equipment

Mid Cost Equipment

High Cost Equipment

You can use Mocking Muffle and Boots[Matyr Card] instead.

Leveling with Cart Revolution

Aspd 190 Build

Note : AB + Food Agi+10. See this video.

Merchant Skill Guide

Overcharge 10
Pushcart 10
Enlarge Weight Limit 10
Discount 8
Vending 1
Mammonite 10

Merchant Skill

Blacksmith Skill Guide

Power-thrust 5
Adrenaline Rush 5
Hilt Binding 1
Weaponry Research 10
Maximize Power 5
Weapon Perfection 5
Skin Tempering 5
Hammer Fall 5
Iron Tempering 1
Steel Tempering 1
Ore Discovery 1
Weapon Repair 1

Blacksmith Skill

Leveling Guide

Bs is my first character when I start playing RevoClassic server. I’m not free player. I buy some item from cash shop for save my time.

13 – 30 Prontera Culvert
I do not sell anything from novice training ground because I waiting for OC reach lv 10. In Prontera Culvert Dun2. Pick up everything but don’t sell. You can use Novice Potions for now and you should buy concentration potion for ASPD.

30 – 40 Caramel, Stainer, Poison Spore
I sell everything by OC 10 and buy NPC Damascus from another merchant. If leveling map has a lot of people, move to another map like Byalan, Yoyo. And you should have Snake Head Hat. That will make your life easier.

40 – 50 Muka, Hode
You can use Damascus until you change to Blacksmith. Now you can use Awakening Potion for good Aspd. In this map, you should focus on Muka. Why? Becuase Muka has 800 HP but gives you a half EXP of Hode. It’s easy to kill.

50 – 60 Sandman, Myst Case, Argiope
Myst Case has a good items drop. Many items can sell at good price. Myst Case Card, OBB, Cruiser Card. You can fight with Argiope after you change to Blacksmith.

After you change to Bs. Power-thrust 5 and Adrenaline Rush 5 are your first skill. than Weaponry Research 10. This 3 skill makes you very stronger. Kill them all. LoL

60 – 70 Pyramid 4, High Orc
In Pyramid4, You should focus on Isis. It gives you a huge Exp. If map has a lot of people, move to Jing Guai at Louyang.

70 – 80 Monirous, Magma Dun1, Stalactic Golem
You should buy Ice Elemental Two-Hand Axe. It can use for leveling until 99. You can make money by use bubble gum in Magma dun1. But you should have Pasana card.

80 – 99 Alarm, High Orc [Al De Baran], Tamruan, Pasana, Anolian
This is a long way to 99. You can use Cart Revolution for leveling. Hardcore Box is your best freind. Good Luck.

Kill them all

My build is just guideline. Adjusting to your style and budget (this is a big deal). Finally, I hope this article will help many people. If you have any suggestions, you can send them to Fanpage Kamonway Channel

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  1. Hi just wondering why did you invest a lot of stats on vit and luk? Does it really pay off? I’m initially planning to do
    Str 99
    Agi 80
    Vit 30
    Dex 38
    Int 1
    Luk 1
    but seeing your guide makes me reconsider your build instead

  2. Oh i see, so since its revo-classic has renewal stats pumping str isn’t that efficient anymore.Since every 3 luk also give hit rate besides atk and every 5 points gives 1 flee, investing in luk is better.

    So im planning to do this build
    Str 80
    Agi 80
    Vit 31
    Dex 38
    Int 1
    Luk 50

    its has like 2 less atk than 99 str but more flee and hit rate.
    and maybe i probably play pseudo-crit build with this stats =)

    thnx for the info btw…

  3. do you have a sample stat for a blacksmith planning to do a cart revo build? i’m not sure whether agi>vit or vit>agi, thanks in advance and more power to the team!

  4. is fish in mouth really good headgear? because buying many fish might be more expensive compare to buying esb

  5. Hi. what is the difference between a very very strong (elemental) 2hand Axe and a plain Elemental 2hand Axe.
    Is there any damage difference between the two?

    • 1 Very = 10 Attack.
      VV Elemental and plain Elemental just difference in 20 Attack but price are very different.

  6. sir i tried your build by using R.o calculator Str 80
    Agi 80
    Vit 50
    Dex 38
    Int 1
    Luk 13

    this is at level 96

    what is level 99 stats?

  7. sir i tried your build by using R.o calculator Str 80
    Agi 80
    Vit 50
    Dex 38
    Int 1
    Luk 13

    this is at level 96

    what is level 99 stats?

    • 2 Zipper Bear is good damage but your sp will be always 0. I Think 2 race card(Hydra etc.) or 2 size card(skel worker etc.) is better for me. Bs need sp for buffs.

  8. Pingback: Ragnarok Money Guide 4 Reason Why you should have Merchant | Ragnarok Guide

  9. Hi!
    Just wanted so say… do job level 50 not 40 at merchant!
    You are about lvl 80 you should have written a guide for 99! 🙂

    It is a good guide… but you get more points at lvl 99.. you should have notice that and then you have more points!

    A lvl 80 guide is good but not a full guide!

    Iam sry :/

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